Saturday, October 19, 2013

Truly Rich Club & the Stock Market!

What is Truly Rich Club and How they help their members to invest in the Stock Market? Truly Rich Club is a membership site founded by Bo. Sanchez. It gives advice, motivation, power talks, and many more to inspire the members. It helps them to gain financial wealth and spiritual abundance at the same time. Not only that, it helps & guide the members to invest in the stock market through their stock update that will receive by each member. What is this stock update from the club? I will explain it later, for now watch his video presentation about Truly Rich Club and investing in the stock market. 

Sign up here to to be a member 

Stock Updates from Truly Rich Club is one of the benefits for being a truly rich club members. If you are now investing in the stock market or you are a beginner in the stock market "hmm just like me" then the stock updates newsletter is an essential resource that definitely can help us. Because the recommendations on what stocks to buy, what companies to invest, when to sell, etc. is very helpful. If you don't have the time to study the performance of the companies and the market trends, then this stock update from the truly rich club is very helpful guide. Here are some sample of stocks update from the truly rich club.

Source Google Image

This is an excerpts from Bo. Sanchez article "The Secret of Retiring Rich:Money Cost Averaging".

Now for those great questions they gave me…

Question: “My father lost money in the Stocks. How can I be sure 

won’t lose my money too?”

Bo: Your father is normal. Statistics say that 85% of people lose 

their money in the Stock Market. Because they were trading. Most 

likely, your father was trading. But today, I’m not talking about 

trading the Stock Market. Trading means buying and selling stocks 

constantly, trying to “time” the market. That should be left to 

experts. I’m talking about long-term investing. Ten or twenty 

years. This is the right way of investing, and I’ll teach you how to 

do that.

Question: “Will my Stocks grow at 20% every year?”

Bo: No, it won’t. For example: One year, your investments will 

fall by 20%. The following year, it will rise by 30%. The next 

year, it falls by 10%. And so on. It’ll be a roller-coaster ride. But if 

you put tiny amounts of money every month over a ten or twenty 

year period, the average growth will most likely be 20% per year 

IF - and that’s a big IF - you follow the simple money

cost averaging strategy I’ll teach you.

Question: “Is that realistic? 20% average growth?”

Bo: Stock Market Analysts didn't pull this figure out of thin air. 

They base this projected growth on past history. They backtracked 

20 years ago. This is what they found out: If a person invested 

small amounts of money every month in top-notch, solid, great 

companies, the average yearly growth was 20%. That’s the power 

of money-cost-averaging.

Question: “What is money-cost-averaging again?”

Bo: Investing small amounts of money each month over a period of 

ten to twenty years. Only in great companies. Money-costaveraging is the secret of the wealthy.

Question: “You tell me to invest in great companies. But I’m not 

an expert. I don’t know if a company is great or not.”

Bo: I’ll tell you what these great companies are. In fact, I already 

wrote a list of these companies in my EbookMy MaidInvests In 

Analysts study all the companies in the Stock Market. That’s all 

they do the whole day. I simply pass this information to you.

Question: “But don’t great companies also go bankrupt?”

Bo: Some of them do. But that’s why analysts watch these 

companies like a hawk. If you’re a member of my Truly Rich Club

I’ll send you my monthly Stocks Update. Through my newsletter, 

I’ll warn you if you need to stop investing in a particular company, 

sell your shares there, and invest in another company.

To read the full article please click here.

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P.S. 1 Citiseconline is the preferred online broker of Bo. Sanchez Truly Rich Club. Citiseconline is now COL Financial Inc. Visit their new website at 

P.S. 2 Do you want to gain Financial wealth & Spiritual abundance at the same time? 
 Join us at the Truly Rich Club now founded by Bo. Sanchez, its purpose is to "help good people  become rich". Because of the guidance I get from the Club, I’m now investing in the Stock  Market! I’m inviting you to join the Club too. If you’re interested, click the link here Truly Rich  Club.

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